Training and Education

Since 2022, we’ve helped our small business clients acquire $1.1M in capital, increase their revenue by $1.5M and add 20 new jobs. In addition, we’ve helped dozens of tech startups acquire $millions in investment capital.

Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for stakeholders to grow their knowledge base, improve their skills, and become more effective in the workplace. We can help ensure that your return on your investment is immense and consistent.

We offer following services:

Vision, mission, and values statements are not enough.  A company must define the culture it wants and then integrate it into every aspect of the operation.  In our experience, most of the issues for which companies seek solutions are actually symptoms of a core problem involving culture, communication, or leadership.

Our holistic approach involves evaluation, goal setting, and skill development for the CEO, executive team, or emerging leaders — with an emphasis on servant leadership and leading by example.

Along with culture and leadership, communication is where many companies fall short.  Our holistic approach touches executive communication styles, meeting execution, marketing messaging, and external relations.

We find that an independent, unbiased advisor is missing in most company technology decisions. We save our clients money and time by improving requirements definition, selecting qualified vendors or developers, and managing performance.

We don’t sell insurance! We believe we provide an even more valuable service by being your independent risk manager. Most companies have some level of financial or operational risk. We help you identify and assess that risk, develop processes and strategies for mitigating risk, and negotiate with insurance providers on your behalf.

We focus on finance, sales, marketing, and strategy, with an emphasis on measurement, tracking, and forecasting.  If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Selling your business, or acquiring one, are two of the most critical transactions in which a business owner can be involved. We help get your business in a position to sell for top dollar, guide the transition to the next generation in the family, assist in the purchase process and also help integrate the merging organizations.

We plan and execute important Special Projects that the company lacks the time or resources to perform, or that require a certain level of discretion.

Nothing happens without sales.  We get in the trenches with our clients to guide, plan, execute and track sales and marketing processes and performance. From sales scripts, to web and mobile apps, to video and social media, our goal is to deliver significant sales and a great ROI.

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Meet David Moody

David is an honor graduate with a Masters’ degree in Public Administration who spent thirteen years working with NASA and in aerospace. He has owned and operated several businesses in the fields of risk management, retail and business consulting and energy technology. As a consultant and SBA Emerging Leaders coach, David has focused on startup, technology and family owned firms, working with a variety of companies in the areas of technology, retail(store front and online), wholesale manufacturing, distribution, software and professional services. He also served as the Deputy Director of the Arkansas Energy Office and Arkansas District office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. As an early investor in Fund for Arkansas’ Future, Gravity II, Tonic I, he has invested in dozens of startup companies, and advises and mentors dozens more.

Following his passion for entrepreneurship, family owned businesses and education, David has served, or is serving, on the boards of the Cabot Chamber of Commerce, Metro Little Rock Alliance, Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub, Vets Who Code, and the EAST Initiative. He’s also been involved in several startup accelerator programs. In addition to consulting, David also enjoys speaking and writing on leadership, organizational culture, and entrepreneurship. See his posts on Twitter @StartupDad.

David is devoted to his faith, his family and his wife of over thirty year, and also enjoys the outdoors, skiing, pick-up basketball, and playing the drums.


I have had the pleasure of knowing David from several different vantage points. He helped me write my original business plan for RxResults in 2008, we have participated in a variety of “Arkansas Ecosystem” undertakings, we have shared life’s struggles and victories together and he has helped me in a variety of key roles over the past year at RxResults. In each one of these venues there are several common threads. First and foremost David is well grounded in his faith and his values. He lives these and it is apparent that they define him as much as guiding his life’s path. David is very smart and an excellent problem solver. He also tells you what he believes not what he thinks you want to hear. This is a rare quality in today’s world and one that is extremely valuable. David is also a team player and he will support a consensus decision. He does not have to be right and win every point in a discussion. He shares his thoughts, makes sure all angles are considered and listens to those with opposing views. David Moody is a man of integrity and would be an asset to any venture that was lucky enough to have him join. He is my colleague, co-conspirator and very valued friend.

I worked with David to develop a strategic direction for our professional business organization. David used techniques and feedback that was entertaining and kept the membership engaged, while at the same time moving toward our ultimate goal. In a few hours, David had created a team that worked collectively to produce a finite direction and goals for our organization. Something we had never been able to do before. His ability to produce a collaborative and effective team was inspiring. I was not just satisfied with the outcome of David’s program, I was motivated and inspired.

Working with David has been a great experience. The push to get things organized was needed and diving in and working with our team to put together the path forward was critical to our growth. David understood our overall objectives but got in the weeds with us to make sure that every detail was accurate and well-researched. I’d highly recommend David for any early stage company looking for assistance with strategic planning, financial modeling, or operational planning.