Government Supply Services
315 E Oak St., Ste 202,
El Dorado, Arkansas
USA – 71730
Get in Touch
855 477 5528
Fax: 800 477 1749
Ribcap is the world’s first brand in fashionable medical helmets and protective headgear uniquely designed to protect you and your loved ones.
We’re on a mission to change the lives of those in the gait and balance risk community. We empower people to be themselves, break down stigmas by allowing them to be active without the fear of a (head) injury! We offer soft helmets for adults, epilepsy helmets, seizure helmets and head protection for kids. Our certified helmets offer you a beautiful independence.
Government Supply Services
315 E Oak St., Ste 202,
El Dorado, Arkansas
USA – 71730
855 477 5528
Fax: 800 477 1749